" Sarajevo + Mostar" tour 4 Days / 3 Nights

Објавено во Тури, Bosnia mono tours


Short Mono tour of Bosnia and Herzegovina on which you will enjoy its incredible nature, historical towns, delicious food and coffee, shopping, warm and hospitable people and more! 


Destination: Arrival to Sarajevo
Meal plan: Breakfast
Accommodation in Sarajevo: 4* Hotel 

Welcome to Bosnia and Herzegovina! At the airport look for DMC Balkans Travel & Events sign. 

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s capital, the city that has been through it all! It is where the Western and Eastern Roman Empire split and where people of many nations and religions met, lived and warred. You can still see many reminders of the Yugoslav War in bullet holes and cannon marks all around town. Though, still an oriental beauty with a unique twist, and a delight to discover on your walking tour in the old town. The city offers endless delicacies to taste!

After meeting with the guide and gathering information about the tour, start with Sarajevo city tour.

After lunch in a local restaurant, start with Sarajevo city Tour. Sarajevo city tour includes sightseeing of the following sights: Bashcarsija, Numerous Mosques and oriental shops, Latin Bridge, Vjecnica, Town Hall. 

Check-in, dinner and overnight.


Destination: Sarajevo - Vrelo Bosne + Tunnel of Hope (optional)
Meal plan: Breakfast
Accommodation in Sarajevo: 4* Hotel 

Rise and shine! Today is a great day for nature lovers! Optional tour to Vrelo Bosne.

After breakfast following just a half an hour drive from the city center, we will arrive to a very peaceful and green area of Sarajevo. The name of this tour says it all. Vrelo, meaning springs, are the main attraction, and these springs are of the river Bosna, located in the central part of the heart-shaped country. The River flows along the country and the spring is the greatest in all of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The springs and the surrounding nature of the Igman mountain present a beautiful natural complex, ideal for relaxation. It also offers fresh, crisp air even in hot summer days.  Swans, man natural water features, fresh breeze off of Igman mountain, rich green vegetation, parks for kids and an Eco-zone all contribute to making this the perfect place to visit!

After this unique experience follows optional visit to Sarajevo Tour.

The Sarajevo Tunnel also known as Tunel spasa and Tunnel of Hope, was a tunnel constructed between March and June 1993 during the Siege of Sarajevo in the midst of the Bosnian War. It was built by the Bosnian Army in order to link the city of Sarajevo, which was entirely cut off by Serbian forces, with Bosnian-held territory on the other side of the Sarajevo Airport, an area controlled by the United Nations.

The tunnel linked the Sarajevo neighborhoods of Dobrinja and Butmir (giving it the name "Tunnel D-B"), allowing food, war supplies, and humanitarian aid to come into the city, and allowing people to get out. The tunnel became a major way of bypassing the international arms embargo and providing the city defenders with weaponry.

Free time.


Destination: Sarajevo - Optional tours to Mostar and Kravice - Sarajevo
Meal plan: Breakfast
Accommodation in Sarajevo: 4* Hotel 

Breakfast at the hotel and optional tour to the Mostar and explore the city.

Mostar is one of Bosnia and Herzegovina's most beautiful cities and a top attraction in the Balkans. It's rich with culture, history, and beautiful buildings.

Mostar city tour includes sightseeing of the following sights: Old bridge (UNESCO World Heritage), Bey’s Mosque, Oriental Bazar and Turkish House. 

Later on, we will have the opportunity for optional visit to Kravica Waterfall which is about 40 km from Mostar.

Kravica Waterfall, often called Kravice, is one of the most precious jewels of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a large tufa cascade waterfall on the Trebižat River. It is located close to Ljubuški and is definitely worth visiting.

Back to the hotel for overnight.


Destination: Departure from Sarajevo 
Meal plan: Breakfast
No Accommodation 

We came to the end of this amazing adventure. Transfer to the Airport for your flight back home, bringing back wonderful memories and souvenirs from the Sarajevo. It is time to count days until your next adventure with DMC BALKANS Travel & Events.


Зафатеност \ Тип на сместување Ноќевање со појадок
Еднокреветна соба /
Стандардна Двокреветна соба (цена по лице) /
Triple room /
Дете 0-2.99 години /
Дете 3-8.99 години /

Важна напомена:

  • Цените се по лице за сместување во двокреветна соба.
  • За реализација на аранжманот потребен е мининум од 2 патници.
  • Организаторот го задржува правото за промена на цените на факултативните излети, во случај на промена на цената на влезниците на локалитетите.
  • Плаќање исклучиво во денари, курс 1 еур = 62 мкд.
  • Сместувањето е во хотелите кои се наведени во програмата или слични на нив.
  • Плаќање при резервација 50% и нема можност т за откажување, менување на термин или менување на имиња после издавање на авионскиот билет. Доплата до 100% 30 дена пред започнување на патувањето.
  • Пасошот мора да има важност минимум 180 дена од датумот на завршувањето на аранжманот.
  • Организатор на патувањето е - DMC BALKANS TRAVEL & EVENTS.
  • Организаторот го задржува правото да го откаже во целост аранжманот како резултат на пандемија без рефундација, но со можност за издавање на ваучер кој клиентите ќе го искористат во следниот период согласно моменталните услови.
  • Организаторот го задржува правото да ја промени цената на аранжманот во случај на промена на цената на хотелот.
  • Во случај на причинета материјална штета за време на престојот, корисникот ја надоместува штетата на сопственикот на лице место.

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